"A Spring of Water Welling Up..."
“A Spring of Water Welling Up…”
May 2023
We live in Florida. It gets very hot here in Florida – especially in the humid months of June through September. Shade becomes premium. People learn to look for parking places which are shaded, and help prevent their front seats and steering wheels from becoming ovens by placing protective “sunglasses” on the inside of the front windshield. Air conditioning becomes essential. Lightweight clothing and sandals too. Pools and beaches become as inhabited as our homes. And everyone is continually drinking water.
I used to help out at my kids’ very hot, outdoor August marching band practices. I was a mom and a nurse, so I got the assignment of having water and wet towels ready when someone became dehydrated. It happened a lot. We could never stress, enough, how important it was to keep hydrated and keep drinking that water! Especially in Florida! Especially in August.
Wherever you are and whatever time of year it is, though, water is essential.
Water is so critical to our existence that it has become a symbol for life itself.
In John 4:13, Jesus told “the woman at the well,” that “whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Ah. Refreshing, spring water. Satisfying the parched, thirsty soul.
What could be more welcome? More restorative? More life-giving?
Cross Creek Community Church lives to offer the fresh, living water of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit to the dry and thirsty souls living in the lovely community of Venetian Bay, New Smyrna Beach, Fl. In fact, it is God’s good idea and dream to plant us here to offer His living water and His love to everyone around us. Venetian Bay is blessed to have a lot of beautiful fountains, throughout the various communities which make up our one big community, in its many lakes.
We, also, are called to be a fountain of living water; growing the Kingdom; touching the world.
This is our vision statement. Psalm 36:8,9 (NLT) says “You feed them from the abundance of Your own house, letting them drink from Your river of delights. For You are the Fountain of Life, the light by which we see.”
We now offer a multi-purpose community worship center to help bring our community together. We also meet needs through providing safe, professional, loving care for children ages preschool through 5th grade with day care, VPK4, after-school, and summer camp programs.
We have a Sunday worship service at 1000 now in Venetian Bay for the first time ever!
The water Jesus spoke of in John 4 was a metaphor for spiritual washing and refreshment, which that woman needed, more than the water she drew from the well. It’s what we need too!
As we live out God’s vision for our church, we love sharing life together, and offering living water! At CCCC, everyone is welcome and there is a place for everyone!
May 2023
We live in Florida. It gets very hot here in Florida – especially in the humid months of June through September. Shade becomes premium. People learn to look for parking places which are shaded, and help prevent their front seats and steering wheels from becoming ovens by placing protective “sunglasses” on the inside of the front windshield. Air conditioning becomes essential. Lightweight clothing and sandals too. Pools and beaches become as inhabited as our homes. And everyone is continually drinking water.
I used to help out at my kids’ very hot, outdoor August marching band practices. I was a mom and a nurse, so I got the assignment of having water and wet towels ready when someone became dehydrated. It happened a lot. We could never stress, enough, how important it was to keep hydrated and keep drinking that water! Especially in Florida! Especially in August.
Wherever you are and whatever time of year it is, though, water is essential.
Water is so critical to our existence that it has become a symbol for life itself.
In John 4:13, Jesus told “the woman at the well,” that “whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Ah. Refreshing, spring water. Satisfying the parched, thirsty soul.
What could be more welcome? More restorative? More life-giving?
Cross Creek Community Church lives to offer the fresh, living water of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit to the dry and thirsty souls living in the lovely community of Venetian Bay, New Smyrna Beach, Fl. In fact, it is God’s good idea and dream to plant us here to offer His living water and His love to everyone around us. Venetian Bay is blessed to have a lot of beautiful fountains, throughout the various communities which make up our one big community, in its many lakes.
We, also, are called to be a fountain of living water; growing the Kingdom; touching the world.
This is our vision statement. Psalm 36:8,9 (NLT) says “You feed them from the abundance of Your own house, letting them drink from Your river of delights. For You are the Fountain of Life, the light by which we see.”
We now offer a multi-purpose community worship center to help bring our community together. We also meet needs through providing safe, professional, loving care for children ages preschool through 5th grade with day care, VPK4, after-school, and summer camp programs.
We have a Sunday worship service at 1000 now in Venetian Bay for the first time ever!
The water Jesus spoke of in John 4 was a metaphor for spiritual washing and refreshment, which that woman needed, more than the water she drew from the well. It’s what we need too!
As we live out God’s vision for our church, we love sharing life together, and offering living water! At CCCC, everyone is welcome and there is a place for everyone!