to be a fountain of living water; growing the kingdom, touching the world.
Our style of worship is relaxed and casual. We not only worship, we invite the Holy Spirit into worship. We celebrate Jesus with contemporary music. Communion is offered during worship services. We are given an opportunity to connect with God through prayer, song, and offering. We love our children to worship with us before children's church begins.
The Word
Sunday Message
We believe every word of the Bible is the spirit-breathed true word of God. We teach from both the Old and New Testament using several translations for illumination. The most common translations you'll hear are from the New International Version (NIV), the Message (MSG), and the New King James Version (NKJV). Each week, the Sunday message is recorded and uploaded to our website. Follow this link to view the archive:
Serving others is at the core of Cross Creek Community Church. As a missional church, we believe we are the hands and feet of Jesus. We serve hot meals to the homeless and those in need once a month. We also help our neighbors in need through the CARE Portal.
Cross Creek Community Church is a place for everyone, and everyone is welcomed as family. We provide multi-generational discipleship through our Sunday Message, Children's Church, Youth Group, and Small Groups oriented for all ages.
In partnership with DOVE USA and DOVE International Missions, we respond to needs internationally, and are honored to be part of an ongoing ministry in the Kadawa, Kenya area. We contribute to medical missions, farming equipment, hospital stays and provide help for destitute widows and orphans.