In the Wild
For ten years we did not offer a Vacation Bible School (VBS) during
the summer. We have a church office and day school which occupies about
3200 sf. We worship and serve in a middle school on Sundays. Logistically
it just didn't seem we had the facility needed.
Also, I wasn't convinced it was a worthy endeavor. Though I had led
and been involved in VBS's for many years prior to being at this church,
and thoroughly enjoyed it, I had heard someone say it was just the same
church kids moving around from one VBS to another all summer, and it
seemed they might be right.
But then I also heard a DJ on a Christian radio program talk about
how her VBS experience as a child is what led her to an ongoing
relationship with Christ.
And then, last summer, I noticed the church that worships in a school,
like us, down the road, hosting a VBS! So, I thought, if they can do it, we
can too!
I brought it to our leadership and children/youth director. It was
agreed that we would put it in our budget for the new fiscal year, and if we
could get at least 25 people to commit to working this ministry, it'd be a go!
And so it was!
We prayed. We put out the call for VBS workers, and were delighted
at the response. We got even more than we had hoped for!
We looked through various VBS materials. So many were not what
we were looking for until we found... "In the Wild." It offered just the right
message, music, snacks and crafts.
The premise behind "in the wild" was encounters with wild animals, in
a safari-themed adventure, and encounters with Christ.
This VBS experience was better than we even hoped. We are so
thankful for all the hard work the team put into it, and the presence of the
Holy Spirit which brought great strength, unity, peace and joy.
We are thankful for the children of the community and their families
and the opportunity to share the love of Christ. They, in turn, were amazing
in the way they took to their teachers, the snacks, the crafts, the
recreational games and the music. Most of all, though, their encounters
with Christ revealed an amazing truth - Jesus Christ is the Savior. By
believing, we can have life in His name.
Are you ready for an up close and personal encounter with Jesus?
The adventure of a lifetime awaits...
the summer. We have a church office and day school which occupies about
3200 sf. We worship and serve in a middle school on Sundays. Logistically
it just didn't seem we had the facility needed.
Also, I wasn't convinced it was a worthy endeavor. Though I had led
and been involved in VBS's for many years prior to being at this church,
and thoroughly enjoyed it, I had heard someone say it was just the same
church kids moving around from one VBS to another all summer, and it
seemed they might be right.
But then I also heard a DJ on a Christian radio program talk about
how her VBS experience as a child is what led her to an ongoing
relationship with Christ.
And then, last summer, I noticed the church that worships in a school,
like us, down the road, hosting a VBS! So, I thought, if they can do it, we
can too!
I brought it to our leadership and children/youth director. It was
agreed that we would put it in our budget for the new fiscal year, and if we
could get at least 25 people to commit to working this ministry, it'd be a go!
And so it was!
We prayed. We put out the call for VBS workers, and were delighted
at the response. We got even more than we had hoped for!
We looked through various VBS materials. So many were not what
we were looking for until we found... "In the Wild." It offered just the right
message, music, snacks and crafts.
The premise behind "in the wild" was encounters with wild animals, in
a safari-themed adventure, and encounters with Christ.
This VBS experience was better than we even hoped. We are so
thankful for all the hard work the team put into it, and the presence of the
Holy Spirit which brought great strength, unity, peace and joy.
We are thankful for the children of the community and their families
and the opportunity to share the love of Christ. They, in turn, were amazing
in the way they took to their teachers, the snacks, the crafts, the
recreational games and the music. Most of all, though, their encounters
with Christ revealed an amazing truth - Jesus Christ is the Savior. By
believing, we can have life in His name.
Are you ready for an up close and personal encounter with Jesus?
The adventure of a lifetime awaits...
